Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Start of Something New and Wonderful

Ever since The Outer Banks Sentinel let a certain sports reporter go it has been a wee bit difficult to get local sports scores in a timely manner, let alone anything resembling a Game Recap or a Box Score. Starting today it our full intention to change that, to have one source for all your Dare and Currituck County Middle and High School Sports News, as well as for travel soccer, baseball swim team and basketball. For this effort to fulfill it's potential to the level that we are envisioning your cooperation will be required.

Simply put, we can't be everywhere at once, and as much as we wish there was enough time in the day to attend every local sporting event, and then write up recaps for each, it's just not reasonable to expect that to happen, but with the help of the school Athletic Directors, Team Coaches and Loving Parent we think this could become a wonderful resource. If you are interested in doing the reporting for 'your' team, drop us an email at and we will let you know whether we are looking for someone to cover that niche.

Please keep in mind that while we realize there will be some tilt of favoritism toward the Home Team, that some level of objectivity would be appreciated, and by no means can this become a parents personal arena for telling everyone how great their Little Johnny is.

1 comment:

OBXVirginian said...

Way to go Gary. Like yourself, I have missed the referenced blog ever since it suddenly fell silent. I have moved from the area so I will not be able to report scores and observations, but I will be watching and cheering for FFHS, Manteo, and Currituck. Hope lots of people report in, and best of luck you with this new site.